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Our energy is one of our most, if not the most, valuable resource we have. As we move through our lives, we are in constant relationship with everything around us, meaning that there is some form of exchange happening every second of every day. At any given moment we are either receiving or giving energy in the form of our actions, our thoughts, our interactions, experiences and so on. 

The world we live in often has certain requirements or expectations for us related to how, when, and where we spend our energy. Because we’re moving through the world conforming to the demands of external sources we end up pouring our energy out more than we spend time replenishing it. Sometimes, this imbalance of energy out vs energy in happens without us even realizing. A lot of the commitments we’re tied to are necessary — related to work, nurturing family, supporting friends, and so on. Even when it’s things that we enjoy, there’s a certain amount of energy that goes into all of these exchanges. As the age-old pattern goes, when we pour out more often than we fill up, we end up burning out and reaching states of depletion.

If you think of your energy as a valuable and sacred currency of sorts, how would you imagine storing it? Saving it? What about investing in absorbing more of it? Imagine what it would be like to grow a “savings” in your energetic bank, similarly to how you might invest in saving funds for a new purchase or trip. Creating this energetic savings account, so to speak, starts with developing awareness around all the things you’re pouring your energy into. Once you know where your energy is going, you’re able to see if and where you’re over spending and what experiences are adding to the amount of energy you have.

Take a moment to pause and think of all the ways your energy is expended throughout the day. Commitments like your job, the relationships you nurture, the media you intake, even the thoughts that you have, all have the potential to add to or take away from your energy.

Try this:

Commit to keeping an “energy journal” for a few days or even a week, if that feels doable. 

At the beginning of each day write down how you’re feeling, what energy levels are you starting with? 

As you move through the day, notice each thought you have, each experience, each conversation, interaction, and activity you engage with. 

Try to bring awareness to what feels like it's filling you up and what feels like it’s requiring you to pour from your cup. 

Use a simple system to note, in your journal, how many experiences are filling you up and how many are depleting you.

At the end of the day write down how you’re feeling again, what energy levels are you closing your day with

The first step to investing in your energy is to become aware of all the places it is being spent. Once you know what's taking your energy and what’s contributing to its fulfillment, you can make adjustments in your life as needed. 

With more awareness comes more intention in all aspects of your life. On the days where you have commitments, related to work or otherwise, that take a lot of your energy, you might schedule time for rest and restoration in whatever way you need following that commitment. When your energetic cup is overflowing, you can practice reaching out to support a loved one whose cup needs a little filling. Caring for yourself can quickly turn into caring for your communities as we all heal and grow together.

What would it look like to re-prioritize ourselves? To tune into the energetic exchange that is happening throughout the day and find a place of balance so that we are never at a deficit of energetic currency.